December 05 2023
Lorna Murphy, an advocate for diversity and inclusion within the bus industry, has given her support to the launch of the Transport for London-backed Women in Bus and Coach initiative.
Lorna, Abellio’s Operations and HR Director, who has worked in the bus and coach industry since 2005, is an expert in growing diversity and inclusion. Lorna has lent her voice to the initiative, helping to increase membership and raise awareness at the national and parliamentary launch in November 2023.
The Women in Bus and Coach initiative aims to create a national network to encourage, represent, support, and retain women in the bus and coach profession. Industry-wide, women only represent 10% of the people who work within bus and coach. However, more than 50% of bus customers are women; the initiative aims to make the industry much more representative of its customers.
The initiative was launched in 2023 and is being hosted by Transport for London, but the industry will eventually run it.
Abellio bucks the industry trend with over 30% of the business's operations staff being women. We’re proud to be a founding member of the Women in Bus and Coach initiative and delighted to share our experience.
Lorna Murphy, Operations and HR Director at Abellio London, said:
“Women in Bus & Coach is a much-needed initiative – not only to break down entry barriers and bring more women into this fantastic sector, but also to help women already here to learn, navigate and succeed in their careers. The gender proportions are improving across bus and coach, but not quickly enough. Diversity is so important to drive further success, bring thought leadership and ensure we continue to reflect the communities we serve.”
Find out more about the Women in Bus and Coach initiative
If you would like to get involved, email