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Welcome to Transport UK London Bus

Transport UK London Bus, serving customers 24/7

Transport UK London Bus operates over 850 buses across six depots in London, carrying over 150 million customers every year on behalf of TfL.

We operate bus routes in Central, South and West London and also provide rail replacement and event services.

Our Depots
AL102324 TUK

Part of Transport UK, Transport UK London Bus runs bus services across London on behalf of Transport for London.

Transport UK operates four rail companies in the UK - East Midlands Railway, Greater Anglia, Merseyrail, and West Midlands Trains and employs over 15,000 people.

We challenge ourselves and the wider industry, to set the highest standards whilst delivering a sustainable, zero-carbon future.

Transport UK Logo Blue (1)
Committed to sustainability

We operate a growing fleet of electric buses across routes in London, providing sustainable and accessible journeys, reducing emissions and helping to make London's streets cleaner and greener.

Find out more

Latest news

TUKLB Bus Outside The Ukrainian Embassy
Destination Kharkiv - Transport UK London Bus operates aid service to Ukraine

On 25 July, a very special service departed from the Ukrainian embassy in London alongside over 50 vehicles supporting four charities to take aid to Ukraine.

Paul Hennigan Sq
Paul Hennigan appointed as Fleet and Facilities Director

Paul Hennigan to join the business as Fleet and Facilities Director

Pride 2 Sq
Transport UK London Bus Joins the 2024 Pride in London Parade

Transport UK London Bus was honoured to participate in the 2024 Pride in London parade on 29 June.